Did you know that there is a new school in Indiana that is now accepting applications to start next year? Right now is a great time to look into MUCOM for your future in medicine. Check out the MUCOM school profile page right here on OsteopathicMedStudent.com. Also, take a moment to check out their website and on Twitter and on Facebook.
Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine
New WVSOM Stats Page
We just added a new MCAT and GPA page for the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine.
US News & World Report has ranked WVSOM among the top medical schools for primary care 14 years in a row. Check out how you measure up by taking a look at WVSOM’s MCAT and GPA information.
PCOM MCAT and GPA Added!
We just added MCAT and GPA stats for the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. PCOM is an osteopathic school that has been around for quite a while. They have created a reputation for developing highly trained quality physicians.
Updated Statistics for KYCOM
Check out the Pikeville-Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine MCAT and GPA page. We just added their scores for the class of 2015!
New MCAT and GPA Scores for NYCOM and PNWU
just added the average GPA and MCAT scores for NYCOM‘s class of 2015, and PNWU’s MCAT’s and GPA’s for the classes of 2012-2015. We also have been searching to make sure you have the most up to date information on all the schools out there. Please check out our MCAT and GPA section here on OMS.
TUNCOM MCAT and GPA Averages

MCAT and GPA Stats for TUCOM-CA
I just added MCAT scores and average GPAs for students starting at Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine in California (TUCOM-CA). On their site TUCOM provides brief class profiles for the classes of 2011 and 2012. I like when schools give a year to year update of their stats. It lets you see that schools are quickly becoming more and more competitive. Take a quick look at TUCOM’s average GPA and MCAT scores and see how you compare.
OU-COM MCAT Scores and GPA Statistics
Osteopathic Med Student has posted more new GPA and MCAT scores. This time the numbers are for Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine. If you are interested in applying to OU-COM you should take a look at OU-COM’s MCAT and GPA stats. You should also take a look at a recent guest blog post by Diane Lui. Diane recently interviewed at OU-COM and provided us with a great review of her experience.
Western University – College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific MCAT and GPA Statistics
Again OMS has been busy finding more MCAT and GPA information for another osteopathic medical school. Today’s school is the Western University – College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific. WesternU-COMP provides a list of the most recent matriculated classes MCAT and GPA statistics. Take a quick look and see what they had to say.
VCOM MCAT and GPA Scores
When I was applying to osteopathic medical schools I was very intrigued by the Edward Via – Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine. I don’t know why, but I made sure that I took a look at VCOM. I would recommend that you take a look at them too. I would make sure that I checked the profile links to VCOM’s site to see where the majority of their students come from. VCOM seems to highly favor the students from the Appalachian region; however, I wouldn’t let that stop you from applying if VCOM is where you really want to go. To help with your investigation take a quick look at VCOM’s MCAT and GPA statistics.