Osteopathic Residencies

It seems that when I tell people that I am going to be a DO they often respond with something along the lines of, “Oh, so you don’t want to specialize?” I find this comment/question to be a little irritating. As it turns out I am inclined to be some sort of primary care physician; however, I am not ruling out any of my options just yet. I have a while before I have to decide anything like that.

While I was thinking about the subject of specializing I decided to look into different residencies. The first site I came across was the AOA’s site and I looked into their list of AOA approved osteopathic residencies. If you want to see all the options available just highlight all states and specialties. Check out all of the options. You have the chance to train in whatever you want. That was just a list of AOA osteopathic residencies. DOs are not limited to just DO residencies. A DO can also apply for allopathic residencies. I have seen match lists from MSUCOM, WVSOM, ATSU-KCOM, and others, and I have seen many osteopathic matches along with residency matches at places like John’s Hopkins, Harvard, and more. Granted, to get these kinds of matches you would probably have to the top student around, but it is possible.

Take a moment to check out the list and think about your options.

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