BRS Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Genetics, Fifth Edition (Board Review Series)
The BRS Biochemisty, Molecular Biology, and Genetics book was one of the most useful books for me in my first year of medical school. It is not listed on the page of “must have” books because it may not be as useful to other people. My professor took most of his questions right out of this book. With that said, it was more useful than just having test questions in it. BRS Biochem was pretty good at describing and explaining many difficult to understand concepts.
This book contains a lot of questions that will help test your understanding of the subjects, but you need to double check your answers. For some reason the editors completely missed questions that were incorrectly marked, but that is easily fixed. For example: I would read a question and I would think the answer was “B” but the answer key said “C” which was obviously wrong. All I had to do was read the answer description and it clearly stated that “B” was the correct answer. So if you don’t mind reading the reason for answers then this is a fantastic book to choose.