First Round of Acceptances Done!

Students accepted to osteopathic school before November 15th needed to send deposits in by December 14th to hold their seats for fall 2009. This means a few things. Most importantly to those of you still in the application process, you now have a lot of seats available. This is a great time to be interviewing with schools.

As I have mentioned before, I was accepted to a few different schools and I found it very difficult to decide which school to attend. Because I couldn’t make up my mind it took me a while to decline my seat at a few schools. Many people were in the same situation. I have given my deposit and accepted a spot at LMU-DCOM. This means that KCOM, WVSOM, and LECOM now have openings that were previously filled. A lot of people did the same thing, so there are lots of seats open now. Get your application in. Get your secondary applications done. Brush up your interview skills and get ready… this could be your time.

We Want Hear From You! is looking for your application, interview, acceptance, or even rejection experiences. We would love to provide students with the most information possible so they can make the most informed decision possible. Please, if you have a moment email your experience to me.

Stories sent in may be posted in part or in their entirety on this site. We would like to post as many stories as possible.